dd86k's blog

Machine code enthusiast

What’s in Progress #008

Author: dd
Published: March 4, 2024

Low-Energy Mode…

Ever since I’ve quit my job in early December, I’ve been rather busy working on my projects again.

Today, though, things slowed to a halt, so, hey, better to take this time for a little write-me-up?


Alicedbg 0.2 was released mid-January!

Since then, lots of cleaning and little fixes.

For the dumper portion, I started to introduce support for library archives, Windows crash dumps, minidumps, coredumps, COFF, and continue support for some PDB support.

Today, just made a simplified, stream-based readline implementation for the shell. Avoids me the trouble to remake the wheel.

Soon, I hope to start support for CodeView/DWARF2. You know, source support.


I recently started efforts of the debugger server using DAP!

Is it ready to be used with VSCode? I highly doubt it. Only the attach and launch requests work, and that’s the minimum.

I’ve left some room to implement MI, if the need appears, but this means that instead of making an entire debugger UI, someone can simply launch the server and communicate with a (more or less) defined protocol!

Minus memory-scanning functionality. GUI planned… When able.


Necessary rewrite in progress. Why? For multithreading support, of course!

Glob patterns now spawn a pool of threads, where each thread will handle one directory entry at a time. And to handle multiple command-line entries, the parallel function can still divide the work for each entry given from the command-line.

Current prototype work, but now needs a stack to take in both file and glob entry types into a fixed thread pool.

Maybe for a later version…


The ddui project has been archived.


Small changes to the blake2-d and sha3-d implementations that will soon land and will allow adjusting construction parameters using the same permutation.


I recently published my tests D scripts.

The notably useful ones are features.d (compiler features), tokens.d (special language tokens) and versions.d (compiler-emitted versions).


All this time for this?

Perhaps I was a little carried over many interesting things, but I need to get my life together.

But hey, one thing at a time, right?

Take care!