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Assembler Syntaxes


To process information in a given way, computers speak their own language of binary numbers. To ease this communication between machine and human, we have created mnemonics to these instructions. Before given to the machine, these mnemonic instructions are given translated to the language of the computer’s to process information.

This page is an homage to the various assembler syntaxes.

Last Updated: 2022-06-20

Table of Content

Intel Syntax

Year 1978
Destination Left
Platform x86
Author Intel

Introduced alongside the 8086 processor, this is among the most used assembler syntax out there, likely thanks to the popularity of the x86 instruction set architecture.

The Macro Assembler, also known as Microsoft Assembler, or MASM, takes from the same syntax, and is still a widely used assembler.


Component Note Example
Immediate As-is. 0x30
Register As-is. rax
Memory Width specifier outside square brackets with “ptr” postfixed. Widths being byte, word, dword, qword, xmmword, ymmword, and zmmword. byte ptr ­[edx]
Scaled memory As described in the Intel reference manual. word ptr [eax+ecx*4+0x100]
Segment register After memory width specifier and outside memory reference. dword ptr es:[eax+0x100]
Prefixes Before the mnemonic, separated by a space. repe stos


; x86 (i386 and later)
mov edx, dword ptr ss:[eax+ecx*2-0x20]

Netwide Assembler Syntax

Year 1996
Destination Left
Platform x86
Author NASM developers

The Netwide Assembler/Disassembler, also known as NASM, is one of the most popular assemblers for the Linux operating system.

It features a variant of the Intel syntax. For example, placing the segment register within the brackets.


Component Note Example
Immediate As-is. 0x30
Register As-is. rax
Memory Width specifier outside square brackets. Widths being byte, word, dword, qword, oword, yword, and zword. byte [edx]
Scaled memory Same as Intel. word [eax+ecx*4+0x100]
Segment register After memory width specifier and inside memory reference. dword [es:eax+0x100]
Prefixes Before the mnemonic. repe stob


; x86 (i386 and later)
mov edx, dword [ss:eax+ecx*2-0x20]

AT&T Syntax

Year 1960s
Destination Right
Platform PDP-11
Author AT&T

The Unix operating system, being developed at AT&T Bell Labs, before being rewritten in the C programming language, was originally written in assembly, presumably using the AT&T Assembler and their own syntax.

The PDP and VAX minicomputers became a success, and with it the syntax became popular. The earliest form of documentation for this syntax was with the introduction of the IAS/RSX-11 MACRO-11 Reference Manual in 1975 from the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC).

The GNU C Compiler and the as(1) assembler eventually saw support for the x86 in the mid-90s.


Component Note Example
Immediate Prefixed with a $ (dollar sign) character. $0x30
Register Prefixed with a % (percent) character. %rax
Memory Parentheses. Widths may be appended to the mnemonic with characters ‘b’ (byte), ‘w’ (word), ‘d’ (dword), or ‘q’ (qword)  for the memory operation width. (%edx)
Scaled memory Parentheses, comma separated to denote base register, index register, and scale. 0x100(%eax,%ecx,4)
Segment register Before memory offset. %es:0x100(%eax)
Prefixes Before the mnemonic. repe stob


; x86 (i386 and later)
mov %ss:-0x20(%eax,%ecx,2), %edx

Ideal Turbo Assembler Syntax

Year 1989
Destination Left
Platform x86
Author Bordland

The Bordland Ideal Turbo Assembler, also known as TASM, was an assembler for the MS-DOS operating system.

While the default operation mode was in the MASM-compatible mode, the ideal mode, also known as TASM enhenced mode, brought a few enhancements to its syntax.


Component Note Example
Immediate As-is. 0x30
Register As-is. rax
Memory Width specifier inside square brackets. Widths are the same as Intel’s. [byte edx]
Scaled memory Same as Intel. [word eax+ecx*4+0x100]
Segment register After memory width specifier and inside memory reference. [dword es:eax+x100]
Prefixes Before the mnemonic. repe stob


; x86 (i386 and later)
mov edx, [dword ss:eax+ecx*2-0x20]

High Level Assembler Syntax

Year 1999
Destination Right
Platform x86
Author Randall Hyde

Randall Hyde made the High Level Assembler to help others learn assembly faster.

The Ollydbg debugger, when disassembling, mistreats the segment register akin to the Intel syntax: MOV ([TYPE DWORD SS:EAX+ECX*2-0x20],EDX). There are no references in the manual for this alternative syntax.


Component Note Example
Immediate As-is. 0x30
Register As-is. rax
Memory Width specifier inside square brackets and after the keyword type. [type byte edx]
Scaled memory Same as Intel. [type word eax+ecx*4+0x100]
Segment register Before mnemonic and prefixes, first character of the register and seg: suffixed. fseg:
Prefixes Before the mnemonic, separated with a . (dot) character. repe.stob


; x86 (i386 and later)
sseg: mov ([type dword eax+ecx*2-0x20], edx)

ARM Syntax

Year 1985
Destination Left
Platform Arm
Author Arm Limited

This is the native assembly syntax for arm systems.




ldr r0, [r1]

RISC-V Syntax

Year 2010
Destination Left
Platform RISC-V
Author University of California, Berkeley

This is the native assembly syntax for RISC-V systems.




lw x13, 0(x13)