dd86k's blog

Machine code enthusiast

2023 Recap & 2024 Plans

Author: dd
Published: December 24, 2023
Last modified: January 25, 2024 at 19h48

It’s the end of the year again.

What a year, huh? Oh you, every year is like this!

Like last year, let’s review this year and see what I’m planning to do next year.


Let’s highlight this year’s work…

January: Created the binco and syslore repositories. Released binco 0.0.1 and syslore 0.0.2.

February: Lost all coding motivation. Nothing was done.

March: Created the ddvec repository, and with an ongoing rewrite going nowhere. Nothing else interesting.

April: Snowmobile accident, coding affected. Picked up Godot and loving it.

May: Created the xxhdd repository, fixing one issue, and with an ongoing rewrite going nowhere.

June: Restarted work on alicedbg, coding a little more.

July: Released lateterm 0.2.1.

August: Created the med64 repository. More work on alicedbg.

September: More work on alicedbg.

October: Released aliceadbg 0.1! Created the gitsummary repository. More work on alicedbg.

November: More work on alicedbg.

December: Redone GitHub portfolio. Minor work on sha3d.

Wow, that’s… Not a lot. I was hoping for more myself, but a lot of work went into private, yet unpublished work.


So, what’s in store for 2024? At least alicedbg 0.2! With “more coding” and “more blogging” as focus points.

I really feel like I could have applied myself much better, but I had a job place that really limited my potential, which is demotivating, to say the least. I’m hoping to find a better place in the following year.

Deprecation Plans

Unfortunately, I’ve decided that the following projects will go in the attic. The world is ever-changing at such great speeds that it’s not possible for me to catch up.

I’ll have to update the README if needed, and mark the repository as archived when I have the time (mood).

ddvec: Was planning to use it for work, but, since I quit that job, its use is no longer justified.

bindbc-libmicrohttpd: I was using it for a project, but lost interest.

ddui: I unfortunately should have started with WebGL before diving into OpenGL and this. I’ve understood some of the operations, but not all, which made it more difficult to start working on a OpenGL 3.3 port. I couldn’t fix the other clipping issues either.

mcpuinfo: Syslore replaced this.

syslore: I no longer have an interest in processor identification programs.

ddcpuid: Due to many recent architectural changes, often relying on the operating system, deprecated OMF support, chasing news, being x86-specific (relying on CPUID), etc., it’s just not worth the effort and my attention anymore.

This may be a bit of a shock for a few, but there are much better identification programs out there (like cpufetch and fastfetch), and the operating system often has tools for this sort of task.

This also means we will no longer see new ddcpuid Manual issues. Although, I should consider writing more manual for existing projects past version 1.0.

As it was the first serious project when I started learning the D programming language, in 2016, I’m a little impressed I kept working on it for so many years.

Deprecation Considerations

Here are some projects I am considering dropping, but unsure yet.

ddhx: Stuck in a rewrite. But the interest is there.

motoori: Stuck in a rewrite. Little interest.


I’ve been meaning to make a new release of sha3d for Christmas, showing off the extra parameters, but unfortunately, I couldn’t scramble a modified KeccakSum program with the Keccak-p[800,22] primitive. Boo.

Otherwise, my family sure keeps me occupied in these festive times! Why not have a little break while at it?

Nonetheless, merry ddmas!